You are Invited!

Dear Fellowship family,

This is your personal invitation to join the entire Fellowship family for our F48 on Nov 5-7,2012 in Niagara Falls—one of the most beautiful spots on the planet. We will be unveiling Fellowship International's new strategic plan, laughing together with Christian humourist, Phil Callaway in the closing banquet, and challenged by our speakers, Peter and Geri Scazzero.

The Scazzeros are the directors of Emotionally Healthy Spirituality and Peter pastors in Queens, New York City.

During our last Fellowship 48 in November 2011 I promised to do two things during my first year in my new role as our Fellowship’s National President. I promised I would "meet with you." To do this I have crisscrossed our nation over this past year. I also promised I would call you " to meet with the Lord" and nurture your "first love."  I've sought to do that through the Monday emails which are sent to the leaders and friends of our Fellowship. I'm also seeking to do this again through the ministry of Peter and Geri Scazzero, directors of Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. I experienced their ministry six years ago and it made a profound impact on my life. Peter and Geri are going to share the inseparably linked principles of emotional and spiritual health. They will address us in two seminars and two gender-specific workshops. As well, Peter will be preaching on the Tuesday evening of our National Convention.

Do you find, as so many do, that you’re running on fumes and feel the need for rest? Or perhaps you have been neglecting your inner life and need the reservoir filled up. Have you been giving away your walk with Jesus to manage the ministry? Is your marriage feeling impoverished and needing a boost (Niagara Falls is a great place to come as a couple!)? Do you need to place a higher priority on your health, both spiritually and emotionally? Then this is the Convention for you and your spouse!

Peter Scazzero writes, "Our relationship with God and relationship with others are two sides of the same coin. If our contemplation or ‘loving union with God’ does not result in a loving union with people, then it is, as I John 4:7-21 says so eloquently, not true. Moreover, as we see, it is about seeing God in all of life…emotional health is not only about ourselves and our relationships, it impacts our image of God, our hearing of God's voice, and our discernment of his will" (Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, pg. 47).

We are also hosting some excellent workshops using the "health" theme to address areas as diverse as preaching, leadership development, humanitarian relief ministry, theological issues, short-term missions and more. We will also have several Christian counselors in residence at the hotel, available for private/ confidential appointment for any messenger, free of charge, if you desire follow-up after hearing the Scazzeros.

Our worship-praise and prayer times will be intentional occasions to draw close to the Lord and meet with our Saviour. You do not want to miss F 48 this November. Come enjoy the fellowship, the ministry and the beauty of the Falls! This is the year to bring your spouse, as Peter and Geri will be ministering to both men and women. So find a baby sitter for the kids and take a much-needed 48 hour retreat. May God be glorified in our gathering for Jesus’ sake!

Blessings, Steve

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