Fellowship 48 Workshops
Fellowship 48 to be held this November in Toronto, Ontario, will offer some exciting workshops for the attendees. The following gives some explanation:
Track 1 – Church Planting
- Increasing your Kingdom Impact Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 – Terry Cuthbert
What would it take for your congregation to plant a daughter church and what could that look like? In these four sessions of our church planting track, you will learn from our church planting directors across the country and from experienced pastors of multiplying churches how to increase your kingdom impact in 21st century Canada.
Track 2 – International Ministries
- The World Lives Here – Dan Baetz, Mark Naylor
Come join the discussion as we consider effective cross-cultural ministry in the Canadian context. - Short Term Missions Connexion – Chris Middleton, Pastors Panel
- This workshop will combine the collective wisdom of churches and mission agency as we discuss cross-cultural experiences for members of your congregation.
- A Cup of Cold Water – Norman Nielsen, Luc Tetrault
Drawing from their international experience in relief and development, these leaders share keys to effective ministry done in the name of Christ. - Leveraging Your Church’s Influence Around the World – Dan Baetz, Mark Naylor, Gary & Kim Lidstone
This workshop will focus on principles that will increase your church’s global impact.
Track 3 – Church Health
- Money and Uncertain Times; What Does The Bible Say? – Mike Nichols
We will look at some Biblical principles that will assist believers in navigating their personal financial lives and their churches through challenging days. - Effective Communication for Congregations – Aaron Rock
This interactive seminar will expose the participant to creative and traditional means of fostering healthy communication systems in the local church, using print media, technology, and the order of service itself to disseminate needed information. - Getting To Yes: Resolving Personal and Congregational Conflict – Bill Fietje
Conflict helps us move into the future regardless of the “giants” we encounter but can also hurt us. We will learn principles on how to face, embrace and resolve each conflict. Join us for a lively discussion. - What Has God Been Up To? – Brian Stewart
This past year our Fellowship of churches across Canada and around the world have been praying, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 365 days. Come and hear the exciting stories of what God has been up to and learn what he is calling us to do next.
Track 4 – Church Leadership
- Governance in Your Church – Ernest Kennedy
This seminar explores the “Seven Deadly Sins of Church Boards.” Learn how your Pastor and board can overcome perennial problems and where the board members should be –“in the kitchen or in the restaurant.” - How and Why We Should Train Leaders in Our Churches – Francois Turcotte
This workshop has been designed to give you some practical help on getting started with leadership training in your local church. - Breaking Barriers to Allow For Healthy Growth – Godfrey Thorogood, Tom Haines
Join this conversational workshop as Tom Haines and Godfrey Thorogood dialogue about some key lessons that they have learned and practiced that can help your church grow in a healthy manner. - Managing Transitions – Doug Sargeant
The goal of this workshop is to assist our Fellowship churches to understand and implement eight steps to be achieved in handing off a healthier, spiritually renewed church to the next senior pastor. In a nutshell: how to ensure the “new messiah” doesn’t become a “sacrificial lamb.”
Track 5 – Evangelism
- Becoming a Great Church For Our City Part 1– Steve Adams
In this workshop we will seek to understand the environment in which we minister and how to position our church and its people for greater impact. - Becoming a Great Church For Our City Part 2 – Steve Adams
In this workshop we will look at some practical and scalable ways to be a blessing to the city around us and how to leverage that into evangelistic engagement. - Understanding and Reaching Our Muslim Neighbours and Friends – Rod Black and Mike Morris
What do Muslims believe? What are the origins of Islam? How does the Islamic worldview differ from what Christians believe? And how can we better understand our Muslim neighbor so as to effectively share Christ with them? - The Net: Reaching Your Best Prospects – Noël Morrisette
Noël will be sharing a very practical overview on how to implement one of the most effective strategies for reaching church visitors.
Track 6 – Personal Interest Workshops
- Investment Planning: What to do when the Stock Market fluctuates? – Gord Baptist
You will learn about risk and your risk tolerance, tax shelters, and the why and how of protecting your investments. - Refocus: For Pastors' Wives Only – Gwen Pifer
The purpose of this workshop is to refocus our thinking so that we can remember the positive and stay centered on who we are serving. - Just Between You and Me – Gary & Kim Lidstone
This workshop focuses on proven strategies for dealing with our often mixed emotional responses to ministry challenges and time pressures that often percolate under the surface, such as the anger, frustration and jealousy. - Women’s Ministries: The whys and hows – Heather McKenzie
Do you ever wonder whether Women’s Ministry is really necessary? How on earth do you start one? Or keep one going? Heather will provide some insight into these questions.
Special Opportunity: Chaplaincy Tour at the Toronto Airport
- With 40,000 employees and 32 million passengers per year, the Toronto International Airport presents a multitude of ministry opportunities. Come meet our Toronto Airport Chaplains, see where they serve and learn more about this exciting ministry. This tour will take place during the Tuesday afternoon workshop segments. Please note space is limited – if you are interested in this tour, please call Janet Cotic at the Fellowship office, (519) 821-4830 X227, to reserve your spot.