Building Vision
On any given Sunday across our Fellowship churches, people are hearing God’s Word preached in 19 different languages. In recent months my own messages have been translated into French, Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin and Arabic. Some say my English also needs to be translated. This is the face of our Fellowship and we celebrate our wonderful diversity.
Recently, I was invited to a banquet in celebration of the 40th anniversary of North York Chinese Baptist Church in Toronto, ON. This wonderful church has a history of making significant inroads for the Gospel throughout the greater Toronto area. This includes several church plants.
Currently, the North York Chinese Baptist Church family is building a six-story facility near Shepard Avenue and Yonge Street to prepare for the next stage of gospel witness to Toronto’s Chinese population. Chinese Canadians are one of the most unchurched, unreached people groups in all of Canada. About 56% of Chinese people in Toronto, 15 years or older, say they have no religious affiliation. This is significant when compared to the national average for those with no religious affiliation, which is 17%. The mission field is enormous.
The North York church, now numbering over 800, bought a prime piece of real estate in 2003 and paid off the 5 million dollar price tag in five years. They continue to raise funds for their 25+ million dollar building project. It’s an enormous undertaking. No other church in the Fellowship’s history has taken so great a step of faith when it comes to building a new church facility. They are looking for partners within the Fellowship family to come alongside of them. Of the eight hundred people who attended their recent anniversary banquet, 400 were guests, and over $600,000 was raised to the glory of God.
If you would like to be part of the North York Chinese Baptist Church Building Fund story, please contact them directly at or 416-223-3121.