On the Road Again
in an interview with Thrive
When those big trucks pass you on the highway, you probably seldom think about the spiritual condition of the person behind the wheel. But someone does. Len Reimer is one of the Fellowship’s chaplains serving in the area of transportation. Thrive asked a few questions of Chaplain Len. Here is what he said.
THRIVE: How did you get started in this particular branch of the chaplaincy
REIMER: In 1962 the transport company I was working for in Winnipeg, MB, transferred me to Montreal. In that same year, Chaplain Jim Keys, founder of Transport for Christ visited our company and asked me if I would consider full-time ministry with TFC. At that time, I turned him down. In 1979 we were transferred to Woodstock, ON. In 2001, I was called to a meeting where TFC representatives introduced plans to place a mobile chapel at the new truck stop in Woodstock. The meeting ended in a time of prayer and I asked God that whoever He chose, His will would be done. When I finished praying I felt this chill go down my back as I realized that God was calling me. I began my chaplaincy in 2002.
THRIVE: Few people know just what a chaplain in transportation ministry does and how he goes about that ministry. Could you describe what you do and how you do it for us?
REIMER: A mobile chapel is placed in a strategic location on the premises of a truck stop. Here transport drivers are free to come and find a friendly chaplain who is prepared to listen, encourage, counsel, study the Bible and pray. It is a place of refuge for the weary drivers.
THRIVE: Of all the amazing stories of how God has touched lives through your
ministry, could you share one with our readers?
REIMER: Every Christmas we make up Christmas stockings to hand out to drivers on Christmas Eve. The stockings are filled with on-road necessities along with a Gospel tract and a Highway News Magazine. On Christmas in 2008, we attempted to give a stocking to a driver from Montreal. He was angry and refused, but the volunteers didn’t give up and eventually he took it. When he got into his truck he threw it on the passenger’s seat and took off. About two hours down the road he decided to stop and check out the contents of the stocking. He found the tract, read it and accepted Christ as his Saviour. When he came back to share his story he told us that this trip was supposed to have been his last. On the passenger seat was a loaded gun, which he intended to use that night to end his life. After he accepted Christ he emptied the gun and threw it away. He has come back several time since to help us give away the Christmas stockings.
THRIVE: What needs does Transportation have that our readers can pray about, and possibly participate in?
REIMER: We need more volunteer chaplains. Pray for health, strength, wisdom, discernment and patience for our chaplains. Pray for the drivers who walk by the chapel each day. Pray that they will be moved to walk in and hear the message that can change their lives. They struggle with family relationships, temptations, lack of spiritual help because they are away from home so much. The chapel fills the gap when they are not able to attend church. Pray for our financial support and that we will be faithful in what God has called us to do.