Mission Coaching
"If churches are going to be Christ’s witnesses from ‘Jerusalem to the ends of the earth’ they need to be very deliberate in purpose and action. Accomplishing this challenging task doesn’t just happen on its own! And given their limited resources, churches can’t do everything; they must make choices! Mission coaching assists local congregations to identify and take ownership of their own strategic missions focus in such a way that it engages their people in the deployment of their unique gifts and resources in partnership with others, for the accomplishment of God’s mission beginning in their Jerusalem and extending to the ends of the earth. The missions coaching process provides a church a context for unhurried reflection and the intentional seeking of God’s face in identifying its own particular missions thrust into the world."
—Richard Flemming
Fellowship National Eastern Coordinator
"The world has changed. Missions has changed. What hasn’t changed is the need for the nations to embrace Jesus as Lord and Saviour. What is exciting is that the potential for significant engagement of your church in God’s global purposes has increased dramatically. Imagine if there was a coach to guide your church in discerning how to be an influential actor in God’s global mission. The Fellowship’s Coaching For Missions provides that support. Focusing on God’s missional purposes, the potential for a church’s involvement is discerned, leading to the development of an appropriate role, task and organizational structure."
—Mark Naylor
Fellowship International Coordinator of International Leadership Development