Willing to Go
Ricardo and Ingrid Castro
Eglise Baptiste Évangélique d’Ahuntsic, Montreal, QC
Serving in Zafra, Badajoz, Spain
Ricardo was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Ingrid in the South of France.
The Castros immigrated to Canada in 1996 and shortly following their arrival in this country they started attending Rosemont Baptist Church.
After several years of study, preparation and service, in 2002, Ricardo was appointed by Rosemont Baptist Church as a pastor with the mandate to plant a daughter church. After five years of planning and mobilizing people, the Baptist Church of the Nations was born in the multi-ethnic area of Côte-des-Neiges in Montreal.
The Castros sensed the Lord leading them to the spiritually barren country of Spain—a nation renowned for having closed its doors to the Gospel throughout history, especially in the region of the Extremadura. Their ability to speak Spanish and their European nationality confirmed God's call on their lives in Spain. They are now working with several small area churches to strengthen and train the believers to reach their communities for Christ.