30% Growth by 2022 in our Fellowship Pacific Region
By 2022, Fellowship Pacific will “… innovatively develop relationships and resources that propel every church in Fellowship Pacific to be accountable to their Gospel mandate.”
One of our strategies of this vision will be the addition of 30% new congregations. This will primarily occur through church plants, satellites, and new additions. For this to occur we need healthy churches developing healthy church planters leading healthy church plants.
Our plan? Prayer. Clarifying our values and philosophy. Gauging our current church health and reproduction. Finding resources. Working through our churches. Supporting new planters and church plants. Partnering. Reproducing.
“We need pastors and churches who care more about their children than they do about themselves. The only way to do that is to make babies.” (Bob Roberts Jr., The Multiplying Church)
— Todd Chapman coordinates Church Planting and Multi-Ethnic Ministries and serves on the Church Lifecycles Team for the Fellowship Pacific Region.